Friday, March 28, 2008

Links - March 28, 2008

First, some entertaining takes on the Department of Homeland Security's threat scale, all from Wired:
The Colors
The T-shirts
The Dogs

In other security news from Wired, here's how to terminate a terminator.

Next, how to improve your own security (or at least reputation) online, from PC World.

An interesting interview about how the brain handles (or doesn't) multi-tasking, from Quirks and Quarks.

Why a cat can cut your heart-attack risk by a third, from US News & World Report.

How to understand kilobytes, as explained by comic Randall Munroe.

Anaesthetics could block formation of bad memories, from the UK's Channel 4.

Google's "clippy" easter egg, from Google Blogoscoped.


Anonymous said...

on xkcd, as well as 'kilobyte', i liked 'useless'.

Marsupial said...

Yes, that was good too. Here's the address for it: